How do I make money playing Playstation 2

By ROcrypton | ROcrypton blog | 8 Jun 2024

     I will never leave publish0x, this blog proposal helps me so much, I am grateful to you and it is not because I make a lot of money because just take a look at my posts and you would see that this is not true. But it's because it allows me to share my work with people very far from my universe, but who have certainly already encountered one of the things I show here. I've always liked an old game console, but not so much, the famous Playstation 2, perhaps because it's the best-selling of all time and also because I don't have the purchasing power to buy another console other than... Maybe an XBOX 360...


    But what do I mean by all this... guys, I'm not out of touch, here we talk about cryptocurrency and how to make an extra income like a "play to win" kind of thing and it was with this in mind that I created an account on Kwai, I know....I know...there's a lot of bad stuff out there, but my niche has been exclusively the Playstation 2 and admirers of its games.


    Did you know that you can make money on the Kwai app, I didn't know and I ended up finding out after I reached the 500 followers mark and was able to start doing lives. They have a live platform very similar to a metaverse where engagement takes place through gifts purchased on the platform and sent to the streamer you like. 1000 gifts are equivalent to 500 koins which is the currency earned in lives and 500 koins are equivalent to 5 dollars. It may seem like little but in one live I already earned almost 2000 koins which would be 20 usd and converting it to my country's currency would be enough to make a purchase at the market for about 3 days! 


    So friends, that's why I've been away from here... I'm trying to earn some koins by doing game lives, I don't even know if this app is available in your country but I would really like you to just take a look at my Playstation gameplay videos 2...this is just an you all know I work in construction, thank you very much in advance, the commonality of publish0x has always been present in my texts, a lot...but thank you very much.

  Please friends, I apologize in advance for the language of the channel posts which are in Portuguese, this content is directed exclusively to Brazil, the country where I live, but know that I admire and always learn from you, receiving money in dollars on the platforms has helped change my life, and I even speak a little English...

 Here below I will leave the link to my videos 👇

  All videos 👉 @KwaiOldGames 

 If you want to create a profile and come to earn koins on Kwai.

  Link 👉kwai video earn money

   Guest Code 👉 Kwai678314329

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