The Ends of the Winding Road

By Djmssr | D.j.messer | 29 Jul 2020

With so many sins to toy with

Yet so many paths to take

Let light and innocence guide you

In choosing the path you take


For the choices you make hold great value

Let the path not be deterred

For the reward is much sweeter

At the ends of the winding road



"Thoughts and Dreams" 

Copyright 2015

D.J Messer

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A Self published writer of short stories, poetry, etc. I do minor and major acting spots as well as video editing. You can find me on several of ur favorite apps such as tiktok(@sqitzotheleprechaun), instagram (@sqitzo.theleprechaun) & Amazon (D.J Messer)


A world of possibilities and intrinsic ideology at the tip of your fingers. A collection of my personal works and theology..

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