Where’s your ground space?

By cryotosensei | diaperfinancingfund | 8 Dec 2024

We didn’t plan it this way, but today, my wife and I found ourselves at the Starbucks outlet reasonably near her house.

This may sound like a stroll in the park, but it felt serendipitous actually. All the stars were aligned for this opportune moment. She took the day off work. She was starving after her medical checkup and wanted to dine at Starbucks. Most importantly, our children were out of the picture. The son was at his preschool while the daughter was having her afternoon nap.

So, this is how we came to have a chat - just the two of us. It felt like the same, when we patronised it as newly-weds, then as parents of our son, and finally as parents of two kids.

Organisational psychology has dubbed a term called third space where people can hang out with others in a place that is neither their home nor office. Educational studies have a similar term called third teacher, in which the classroom environment plays an important role in stretching the learning of the students.

I think this Starbucks outlet is our ground space, a place where we can go and connect with each other and with our past selves. Even though times have changed, our inner core and our commitment to each other have held steadfast.

66354 Which leads me to this question. Where is the ground space for you and your better half?

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