Redefining Success With Publish0x: Joy Of Blogging

By cryotosensei | diaperfinancingfund | 14 Aug 2021

I get it. You pour your heart and soul into writing an article but the amount of tips doesn’t seem to validate the blood, sweat and tears invested into crafting your thought piece. You check the popular articles and note that even the most trending ones don’t seem to generate all that much crypto either. 

Needless to say, since you choose to be an author with Publish0x, you are intrinsically motivated to share your ideas and reflections with the community. But it never hurts to have extrinsic sources of motivation that will push you to write when you don’t feel like it. Especially when you don’t feel like it because we all should aim to write regularly and systematically to make it a routine.

So, when your article doesn’t pay well, don’t feel disheartened, for there are other parameters of success that we can use to keep ourselves going. Here is how I reframed the definition of success as an aspiring blogger at Publish0x.

1) Increase in Followers

It still makes my heart sing when I see that an article has prompted 1-2 readers to follow me. It requires a bit of effort for someone to decide to follow my writing journey. The fact that they choose me over all other Publish0x writers is a cause for celebration and an affirmation of my work.

2) Comments from Readers

Similarly, any comment from readers makes my day. While I like readers who comment explicitly why they like my article, I don’t shun away from commenters who point out inaccuracies or conflicting points of view either. Just the other day, someone highlighted how I was wrong to mention that the price of ETH would decrease when the incorporation of an EIP aims to remove some ETH from the circulating supply. I learned my mistake and edited my article. It’s okay. I am a big boy and my ego can take a bruising. 

On a serious note, I doubt if anyone signs up with Publish0x to make friends, but it has been exciting to observe that some readers comment on more than one of my articles. I respond back. I read their articles. They respond in kind. It’s nice to have someone have my back, if you know what I mean. And who knows? With time, these conversations may blossom into friendships.

3) Likes and Dislikes

A high number of likes obviously gives rise to a spike in dopamine running through my veins, but the dislikes are illuminating in their own way. For instance, an article I wrote about Charles Hoskinson generated the most number of dislikes amongst my articles. This helped me understand that the founder of Cardano is a rather controversial figure. It seems that people either admire him greatly or despise him passionately. With this feedback in mind, I need to process all this and calibrate my feelings towards Cardano. Where do I stand in regards to Charles Hoskinson? 

In a nutshell, I think my article is successful if it engages sufficiently with readers such that they are prompted to give me positive feedback and constructive criticism, smash either the like or dislike button, and decide to follow me. All this serves as sustainable fuels that stimulate my creative juices and make me determined to continue blogging here.


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