Post your BTC resume

By cryotosensei | diaperfinancingfund | 12 Dec 2024

I don’t know how fast word gets around SN. It has to do with how nimbly you traverse all these different territories but anyway, I’m refining my resume right now because I want to switch jobs.

This got me thinking. @siggy47 has organised a contest that got Stackers to share about how they got involved with Bitcoin in the first place. What happens in a Bitcoiner’s journey after that? What are the key highlights in your journey?

So, here’s my BTC resume:


June 2021 - Registered an account with Hodlnaut, a Singapore CEX. An article I wrote to promote it gained traction and I got about 15 referees. This means that I received Bitcoin as weekly commission from them.

August 2021 - Decided to give Cointiply - the best BTC faucet a go. Have been using it ever since.

August 2022 - Lost all the BTC I earned as commission because I naively thought Hodlnaut borne the Singapore brand and was trustworthy. Little did I know that it invested heavily into LUNA - and with its collapse and the ensuing contagion, went bankrupt.

Late 2022 - The small amount I left on Gemini Earn (mainly my Cointiply faucet earnings) vapourised into thin air when Genesis ran into money issues. Yes, I made the same mistake twice! Don’t be like Sensei. Not your keys, not your coins has become my mantra ever since.

December 2022 - Made my foray into SN.

January - November 2023 - Tried out myriad apps to stack sats. sMiles, Apollo, Vestly, Cowdle, Litstak, you name it, I tried it. Posted intermittently on SN because I was trying to assimilate into the culture here.

December 2023 - The launch of ~territories motivated me to post more here because my lack of BTC-related knowledge was no longer a hindrance haha. Along the way, I became keen on acquiring the BTC Standard. Purchased my first gift card from Bitrefill.

Jan - March 2024 - Continued to buy gift cards from Bitrefill.

April 2024 - Climbed one step up the Bitcoin Standard by paying my insurance bill and utility bill with the sats I won from March’s Million Sats Madness. Even though it doesn’t seem that Bitwage will venture into the Asian market any time soon, I am making more of an effort to replace fiat with sats.

Who knows, I might be able to pay most of my bills with sats if I persevere hard enough? Well, it was fun recounting my journey, even though some parts weee embarrassing. But hey, mistakes give us the opportunity to grow.



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