Parent’s Corner: Naches

By cryotosensei | diaperfinancingfund | 12 Dec 2024

The Yiddish have a special word to describe the exclusive joy felt by parents: naches. I think they understand human nature extraordinarily because I’m sure fellow parents will be able to relate to why my chest swelled with pride due to my son’s mature attitude.

Yesterday, I put on my man pants and asked my wife and father-in-law if I could take my daughter to Kumamoto Station to escape the drudgery of inaka (countryside) life. They gave me their blessings.

Subsequently, in the evening, I whispered to my daughter about my plan to ambush AMU plaza. I must not have been discreet because my son overheard me.

I took a deep breath and steeled myself for the bombshell. I imagined him kicking a fuss and demanding not to go to his preschool tomorrow. It felt like time had stood still as I awaited his ugly reaction.

To my infinite surprise, he just said, “Remember to buy an omiyage (souvenir) for me. It would be nice if you buy a panda toy.” I exhaled slowly, my mind paralysed by my disbelief. You mean that’s it? No hysterics? No drama? Stoic acceptance? WHY IS HE TAKING SO WELL?!!

But you know, when parenting gives you a break, you learn not to question it. Clasp your hands and say thanks to whoever’s above. This explains why I bought this Squirtle stuffed toy quite willingly even though I think he has frightfully too many toys.

This is my way of showing my appreciation to him for being so mature and not giving me hell. 67241

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