Parent’s Corner: About magnets

By cryotosensei | diaperfinancingfund | 10 Jan 2025

It was bound to happen, but I didn’t expect it to happen so soon. My son taught me a new word in Japanese.

I’m not particularly 負けずに嫌い (makezuni kirai, Japanese for hard to lose out), but since I am an ex-Science teacher, I have been inundating my son with Scientific principles so that he doesn’t struggle so much with Science for the Primary School Leaving Exam.

Hence, since his obsession with Pokemon, I have been emphasising the word magnets through this Pokemon compass. 67580 67581 My consistent indoctrination must have worked. Today, he told me something about 磁石 (jishaku).

“Okay what do you mean?” I asked, totally bewildered. He was patient enough to explain to me that he was referring to this.

67582 I confess that I asked Meta AI for the meaning of jishaku. You can imagine my delight when I learnt that it refers to magnets. 🧲

This means that my son has not only internalised what I have taught him, but was also somehow able to learn the Japanese word on his own. (Or maybe his mum taught him.) But it doesn’t matter.

Singapore is a competitive society in which we are regularly pitted against one another - for grades, for marriage prospects, for early retirement, for performance ranking. We typically don’t like it that much when we lose out to others.

But today, I can tell you this:

My son can surpass all my brilliance for all I care. 😁    

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