Movie Review | I Not Stupid 3

By cryotosensei | diaperfinancingfund | 31 Oct 2024

You know you’re Singaporean when you take time out to watch “I Not Stupid 3” - ahead of shows like Lincoln Lawyer and Emily in Paris - even though you are aware that it won’t be the best use of your time. It’s like jumping onto a tub boat (they have those in Sado, Niigata) and having to paddle continuously.


Still, I watched it because I anticipated that I won’t have any regrets. Anyway, I paired it with the curating of my PPT slides for my Japanese immersion lesson: Got my slides done while watching it, so everything’s good. I know myself well. I don’t have regrets watching it. It’s due to how the director, Jack Neo, did introduce some ideas that are hardly explored in our media: the plight of study mamas and their children as well as the learning difficulties of dyslexics.

In a nutshell, Zi Hao, the son of a study mama might have dyslexia too, thanks to his astute Maths teacher who found that out. This means that this movie isn’t sure about what its secret sauce is because there are so many storylines that run tangent to each other. It’s hard for me to achieve emotional resonance because many characters were used in blink-and-you-would-miss-them scenes.

Of course, Jack Neo has always been profit-oriented. Hence, the many plots to make his movie as broadly appealing as possible. But I still feel that it can benefit from sharpened focus. Since I work as a Literacy Coach, I would have loved for the movie to shed more light on dyslexia.


I was pleased with how Zi Hao used a yellow highlighter to add texture to the words and prevent them from dancing around. Since his mother forced him to memorise a novel, I wish that the movie could have detailed Zi Hao’a coping mechanisms more comprehensively. How was he able to memorise portions of the novel? And his script for the school’s Speech Contest?

feel that it’s a pity for Jack Neo to play safe and not incorporate some social commentary into his latest work since his movies undeniably have some pulling power among Singaporeans, me included.    

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