8 Reasons Why I Like Hodlnaut

By cryotosensei | diaperfinancingfund | 18 Aug 2021

Hodlnaut is running a Bitcoin giveaway competition. So I am trying to accumulate as many points for its task list so as to increase my chances of winning one of the consolation prizes: $50 BTC. This is what I posted on my Facebook page.

1) The social media manager scouted me after reading my blog and asked me to be its affiliate marketer. He commented that he loved my blog, thus raising my hopes that #diaperfinancingfund will one day grow to be a household name.

2) Interest is credited every Monday at 5pm sharp. Most effective eradication of Monday blues ever.

3) Interest rates are the highest among all crypto-lending platforms out there. I won’t say that my portfolio is multiplying like rabbits, but the interest does compound.

4) Setting up an account made me feel so accomplished because I managed to withdraw BAT tokens to Uphold wallet, convert them to a pathetic amount of ETH and then transfer it to Hodlnaut. But the amount of ego stroking being induced? Priceless!

5) Hodlnaut has a wide array of educational pieces on all things crypto. I gained a lot of knowledge in the process.

6) It fans the embers of hope alive because it is now organising a BTC giveaway contest, which to be honest, takes up a lot of concentration. But it stirs my imagination and steels my resolve because who doesn’t want a $50 BTC reward as bragging rights?

7) Haven’t exercised the Preferred Interest Rate option yet but it’s good to know that I can collect interest on my portfolio of 3 cryptocurrencies in the form of ONE crypto. The indecision about whether I should exercise this option is strangely exhilarating. 😎

8) Pledging my love and allegiance on FB may help me win some BTC (Read Reason 6). Which is cool because I love writing. ✍️

8 Reasons because Huat ah! (it means "Let's Prosper" in Chinese!)

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