Xrp coin


By derbycuzxrp | CRYPTO Talk XRP | 11 Sep 2024

  • https://www.freepik.com/premium-ai-image/set-golden-xrp-coins-isolated-white-backgroundcryptocurrencyblockchain-technologyminimal-style3d-rendering_243761380.htm#query=xrp&position=6&from_view=keyword&track=ais_hybrid&uuid=2bfd9c1c-4149-45ef-a8f2-924af0b53ccd



Xrp was trading nicely looking to surpass it's all time high (ATH) when the news across the globe reported that the securities exchange commission (SEC) of America was taking ripple as well as the two CEOs to court for selling of unregistered securitie offerings to the tune of $1.3 billion . The case was to be heard insouthern district court of New York . Directly after the announcement most if not all crypto exchanges removed ripple stopping all sales of xrp in the USA . That in turn dropped the xrp price way way down to about $0,10 . Xrp have enjoy some victories and so to the SEC. To a certain agree. For ripple the only issue is the sale of xrp to corporate investors is the only illicit sales  . All sales to exchanges and through exchanges to the general public was ruled legal and fair. With the last and final legal matter being the fine and penalties Ripple should be made liable to pay the sec . Now there is also the chance the SEC will appeal the matter and until such appealing is ruled out the matter remains a dark grey cloud of the utilities price and vision of the future. 



Every one wants to know what is the price of xrp going to be in the near future . That question is not that easy to answer. Yes there are alot of Xrp army diehard supporters that will be saying that XRP is set to reach $100 plus. But for XRP to be worth $100 with a circulation of around 52 billion and a total of 100 billion XRP tokens created that will put the XRP market cap at about $32trillion the would be more than the entire cryptocurrency industry put together. Now I'm not saying it's never going to happen but it is very unlikely that it will happen. On a more realistic look the truth is in 2017 XRP made a huge 1000% plus rise in price. Again in the middle of the pandemic when all other crypto markets where in steep decline.  XRP managed to rise about 750% reaching a price of around $1.94. That just shows that when excitement and enthusiasm for the XRP token is strong and the markets are moving upward in a positive direction then XRP should piggyback on the rest of the markets bullish movement.  Since the judgement XRP has been trading above the price it was the day before the judgement. This is positive for the future price climb of the token. But Crypto markets are very volatile and can flip over night. If the general crypto markets are on a downward bearish cycle it could become worrisome for XRP investors.  The XRP price could see even lower lows than whatever we have seen in the last 4 years. The market sentiment would play a big factor in the price. Ripple will need to improve the overall tokenomics to keep it a popular option for investors. Dealing with the aftermath of the SEC court case and creating intrest in the Token would be the biggest key factors in pushing the value up and above the previous ATH recorded. XRP has been keeping in the top 10 cryptocurrency tokens . Despite the long and dreary set back Ripple continue to create partners and help push the transformation of central banking as well as cross border remittances.  XRP will have a huge impact on the worlds economy   



Thanks for reading and keep coming back for more content daily .

Till next time that's all from my self derbyCruzXrp






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A Blockchain enthusiasts who is at the starting point of trading on certain platforms and believe in xrp as I educate my self to educate the world


This blog helps make the crypto market understandable. I dwell deep into the connections and speculate on the future of XRP using wisdom and knowledge i trade the market and publish my results with detailed analysis . disclaimer I am not a financial adviser nothing here is financial advice or suggestions I am only expressing my own actions for entertainment purposes A journey to generational wealth starts with truth. Ignorance holds the seed to wisdom. In man lies the seed of the universe .

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