My Whole Fantom Portfolio - And Where I Am GROWING IT!

By n1ce | DeFi Adventures | 7 Jun 2021

In this blog I want to go over my Portfolio on Fantom Opera. I love to read blogs which summarize for example monthly crypto earnings, so I wanted to give this a try.

My idea is to show which percentage I have on which platform and add some description about the project. Under the post you will find all links to all the projects. Please keep in mind that none of this is finance advice and you should always do your own research first.

With that out of the way, let's go:

38% - Beefy Finance 


I use Beefy on all chains, since starting on Binance Smart Chain. Very reliable and quick addition of new pools. A true multichain yield optimizer as they are represented on BSC, AVAX, Heco, Fantom and Polygon. 

23% - WFTM (C.R.E.A.M)

  • Lending

I speculate on the price of FTM rising, so I take some profits while holding the token as described in my article here.

18% -  ELK Finance Token

  • Hodling
  • ELK-Zoo

A Multichain liquidity protocol with a very engaged community. I hate the usability of their pools but the token has great potential if they keep delivering what's on their roadmap.

8% - Reaper Finance

  • Spirit-FTM LP

Great community on discord, very trustworthy and doxed devs. It might be easier to use the pool on Beefy but I really want to support these guys and also their performance fees are a little lower.

4% - SHIBA Fantom Token

  • Hodling

I really like the project and the admins on Telegram. It is a reflective token, so every holder earns some of every sold share.

5% - HyperJump Finance

  • Various Pools

I bought the house tokens (ORI, AURORA) way to early and expensive. The pools had daily retunrns of more than 10%. Of course inflation killed the price. Now I just let it compound and wait for a miracle.

1% - TheGhost Finance

  • BOO-Ghost LP

I took out my initial deposit and left the profits in. Maybe 1 in 10000 Moonshot? ;)

1% - Zoo Finance Token

  • Hodling

I really like the Zoo Ecosystem. Especially their wallet app is really nice.

This might not exactly add up to 100% as I rounded the percentages for simplicity.

I hope you enjoyed this episode of my portfolio overview. If you would like to see an update to my Fantom Opera Portfolio let me know in the comments and follow me here! If you like this kind of post, I will also do it for other chains like Binance Smart Chain and Polygon/Matic!

Also let me know what's your portfolio like on Fantom!


None of this is financial advice. Please always do your own research.

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DeFi Adventures
DeFi Adventures

Instead of just consuming blogs and resources which taught me quite a bit about blockchain technology and Decentralized Finance, I want to share with you my DeFi Adventures in this blog. Let me know what you think!

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