Blockchain Cuties recently went live with their Matic version and pre-sale. Like many, I had issues starting with Matic, but after figuring it out things are going very smoothly. In fact, the transaction costs and speeds are far better than Ethereum native. Seeing many of you are having issues with the conversion, I thought taking the time to right a quick step by step guide might help cutout some of the pain.
We will be focusing purely on MetaMask, but this might be helpful for other wallets as well. I assume you already have MetaMask setup and running with basic knowledge. If you do not, please view this guide first.
Important Note: At this time the Matic Pre-Sale cuties can only be bought with Matic in your Ethereum wallet. You can also use Dai or Eth to purchase them as well. Even though bought with an Ethereum wallet, it will still be in use for the Matic chain. The information below covers how to use Matic for all other in-game activities.
Topics Covered:
- Adding Matic Tokens to your MetaMask Wallet
- Configuring MetaMask for Matic Mainnet
- Funding your Matic Wallet through Matic
Adding Matic Tokens to your MetaMask Wallet -
First, you need Matic Tokens, but before getting them, we need to enable MetaMask to see them in your Wallet. Start by opening the MetaMask browser extension, and clicking Add Token:
Under the Token Search, type and select Matic and click Next:
Now that the Matic Token is added, you will be able to view the Matic tokens in your wallet anytime under Assets:
Next, we need a place to get Matic Tokens. One place is Uniswap. If you already know how to use Uniswap, please skip this section. To use Uniswap, go to their website and select Launch App:
Inside the Swap box, add token you want to swap with (ETH or BAT) to the From box, and select MATIC in the To box.
Fill out an amount and then click Connect Wallet:
Select MetaMask and Sign In
If you are happy with the conversion and gas costs, select Swap:
After selecting swap, confirm the contract and transaction. Depending on Ethereum network traffic, you may have to wait a while for it to go through. Please be patient, because transactions take time and process one by one. Accidentally adding more transactions can make things much worse, so don't do it. Once the transaction is complete, you will see a confirmation in MetaMask.
Configuring MetaMask for Matic Mainnet –
Now that we have tokens, we need to configure the Matic Mainnet for MetaMask. From the main MetaMask screen select the Network drop down, and click Custom RPC:
Enter in the following information and click Save:
You will now be able to select Matic Mainnet from the Network drop down:
Funding Matic Wallet through Matic -
Next was the most confusing part for me. Simplifying it a little, to use Matic blockchain, we must move our Matic Tokens from the Ethereum Mainnet to the Matic Mainnet. I know, it seems a bit strange since the Tokens are already in our MetaMask wallet, but we will use Matic’s website to move them from our Wallet, back to our Wallet, putting it into Matic and taking them from Eth. With me so far?
To accomplish this, first we need to log into the Matic wallet. Start by making sure Ethereum mainnet is your network in MetaMask. Then go to the Matic Wallet website here and log/sign in with MetaMask:
On the Account page, switch from Ethereum to Matic:
From the Matic side, select Deposit, enter your amount (available Matic Tokens in your Ether wallet will appear), and click Deposit to Matic Network:
The transaction begins and you must approve and pay Ethereum conversion costs. When done you will see a balance in your Matic wallet. Note this does take a few minutes, so be patient. Again, you add more transactions while this is occurring you will clog up the pipes, so don't freak out.
You can confirm Matic has landed in MetaMask by checking the Matic Mainnet network if you have funds, you're good to go:
Also, you can check login to your Matic Blockchain Cuties and view the wallet section under Blockchains to confirm:
I hope this guide was helpful. For more information about Blockchain Games visit Binary Assets!