Scrum's 25th anniversary and the New Scrum Guide - Scrum Slovenia Meetup

By ervin-lemark | Dear Diary | 3 Dec 2020




A message from Voranc, meetup host:

Hello Scrum Slovenia friends!

It has have been a while since we met for the last time. Let's end 2020 with the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Scrum!

Yes, Scrum is 25 years old! To make this anniversary special, the co-creators of Scrum, Ken Schwaber & Jeff Sutherland, published an updated version of the Scrum Guide on November 18th.

Ken Schwaber said, "Over the years, the Scrum Guide started getting a bit more prescriptive, yet our goal has always been to retain it as a framework and not a methodology. The 2020 version aims to bring Scrum back to its roots, being a minimally sufficient framework. We have also placed an emphasis on eliminating redundant and complex language and focusing on the Team which is required to build trust and uphold the Scrum Values."

Join us at the discussion and share your view on the updates and changes introduced with the guide's latest version.

Will you join us? You are more than welcome :)

On November 18th, a new version of the Scrum Guide was made available. VIsit website or download PDF.

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