PancakeSwap Introduces Chiliz Fan Token Staking!

By EliteHodler | Yield Farming & De-Fi | 30 Dec 2020

CAKE holders, today we are incredibly lucky to be able to announce that we have not one, but THREE new Syrup Pools for you! Not only that, they are all Chiliz (CHZ) fan tokens!

The tokens are: AS Roma Fan Token (ASR), Atletico de Madrid Fan Token (ATM) and finally OG Fan Token (OG) which is the first Esports fan token!

The Syrup Pools


The Farms

In order to host the ASR, ATM and OG Syrup Pools, we will need to provide them with a farm for each. All three farms will have BNB pairs (ASR-BNB / ATM-BNB / OG/BNB ) and 1x CAKE rewards.

The Vote

Typically there would be a vote as adding news farms dilutes the reward pool for the rest of the farms. This time however, we’re coming in hot so we hope that you will support our decision!

Read about it here:


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