On The Spot Reward Summary, Week 54

On The Spot Reward Summary, Week 54

By DBuzz | D.Buzz | 6 Nov 2021

What's the good word, D.Buzz fam!

Welcome to the weekend.

One of the best things to do on the weekend, is go to the beach and take a photo. Beaches are the perfect place to take pictures for all types of backgrounds. The sand provides a contrast to the sky, and the water provides an amazing backdrop. There are also many cool objects that one might find at the beach to take pictures of, such as shells, coconuts, and driftwood. The sky is typically bright and blue which makes the pictures look crisp and bright. The blue water is also very bright and sparkly which is also an awesome backdrop to take pictures of.

Take for instance, @birjudanak, who shared a classic photo of the beach at dusk (*or dawn). We can imagine laying there on the blanket listening to the ocean waves.

The forever summer author himself @tdctunes shares delicious coastline photos from the UK where their summer never ends!

@seha76 captures the moment when the fishermen begin hauling in the catch of the day, off the coast of Aceh. We bet they cooked a feast afterwards. :D

A little more inland, off the sandy shores, @walarhein captured pictures of some gently swaying palm trees in that tropical breeze. Where is our hammock when we need it!

From Seoul, South Korea, an author who is also our community highlight this week, @yeouido.park shared with us more delightful trees - trees in which we want to hang a hammock in.

The Best Thing about Hanging up a hammock is taking a nap in it after. @joeylim’s photo of their cat napping inspires us to make that nap happen sooner than later.

While you may be napping, you might start to dream. Another type of dreaming is daydreaming. Looking at the clouds in the sky in the photo from @taniagonzalez, we start daydreaming what those clouds may be...

We also daydream of travel, perhaps to Greece where @valera7368 shared a powerful photo of the Valley they were exploring.

After exploring, it's important to eat some food. @viviankay00 shared with us one tasty looking dish. We don't think we've ever seen this before, but it looks amazing. What also is amazing is the stuffed cheese bread that @bold-n-italics experimented with making. We think that is a worthwhile science experiment, 100%!

If you're laying on the beach, exploring valleys, taking a nap, or cooking some food - these are moments that matter to you. Please share them with us, and of course, have a great weekend everybody, and see you next week!


Weeknd and Halloween? This is our reaction!



Week #54 (Starting | 11/1/2021)


@birjudanak https://d.buzz/#/@birjudanak/c/knvsqaykk2dx5gj1rrdix1

@tdctunes https://peakd.com/hive-193084/@tdctunes/22h71wzbe7xz71utbvus86

@walarhein https://d.buzz/#/@walarhein/c/zkc644wjoiib8sv6rzxi2p

@valera7368 https://d.buzz/#/@valera7368/c/bmudoypcguo4ymojmga3tl

@yeouido.park https://d.buzz/#/@yeouido.park/c/bywfz8dd7ueqci2p8tw33g

@joeylim https://d.buzz/#/@joeylim/c/xydrbphbtjj14ty3wl1s4f

@viviankay00 https://d.buzz/#/@viviankay00/c/qjz9jygrq6ds3recq2em1g

@taniagonzalez https://d.buzz/#/@taniagonzalez/c/7rjis4kyk5a4yna8q3atxq

@bold-n-italics https://d.buzz/#/@bold-n-italics/c/i7kzc5li3c1yjy4295ut9h

@seha76 https://d.buzz/#/@seha76/c/lnjkbk4j89vn943ln3ctql

Congratulations to all of you - your content and imagery inspires us to post more.

Keep being amazing!

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What did you discover this week that you really liked? Let us know in the comments section below!

And as always, keep on Buzzing!

As always, thanks for reading and being part of our ever-growing community. D.Buzz is a platform for you, for the community.

- The D.BUZZ


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