D.Buzz Community Highlight: @juliansokto

D.Buzz Community Highlight: @juliansokto

By DBuzz | D.Buzz | 27 Oct 2022

D.Buzz Community Highlight of the Week

Hello, friends!

Nature is amazing. Every day, we are surrounded by beauty, whether it’s the stunning colors of a sunset, the freshness of a spring morning, or the simple beauty of a rose. Nature is a constant source of inspiration, and its natural beauty has a way of lifting our spirits and making us feel good.

There is something about being in nature that feels good. Maybe it is the fresh air or the sounds of the birds chirping. Whatever the reason, taking time to experience nature is important for good health. Being in nature can help reduce stress, improve mood, and encourage physical activity. So, next time you are feeling overwhelmed, take a walk in the park or go for a hike in the woods. You might find that it is exactly what you need.

If you're looking to get in touch with nature but don't have the time to get out there yourself, you can opt for the next best thing, which is to experience it through the eyes of others. There are plenty of ways to do this, whether it's through books, movies, or even TV shows. This can be a great way to get a sense of the world around you and appreciate the beauty of nature without having to leave your home.

This brings us to today's community highlight, who is someone sharing the many joys of nature with the world and you every day!


Nature, o hell yea!


We like to believe that D.Buzz is more than just a Dapp - it's a community. It is a community of people passionate about crypto, censorship-resistant content, engagement, and spreading their message.

We see you, and we love you all.

To give back and express our thanks, we highlight someone every Thursday from our community on a post across social media platforms. They are listed as a 50% beneficiary of this post as a way to say thanks!

Today, we would like to celebrate @juliansokto!


Looking at nature photos can have a calming and happy effect on people. This is because seeing natural scenery activates the parts of the brain that are associated with positive emotions. In addition, looking at nature scenes can help reduce stress and anxiety. That is why when we looked at @juliansokto’s profile, we just felt calm and relaxed. Like... yea... life is good, bro.

Relaxing photos of the green natural world around us aside, this bilingual author who writes in Malay and English is active with comments and engagements on Hive, and we think that is EPIC! Because, If you're not looking to engage with people, then why post? It's like going to a party and not talking to anyone. It's pointless. The whole point of social media is interacting with others, and @juliansokto does this like a pro.

Dear reader, if you're into relaxing nature photos, we suggest you follow @juliansokto's account. Their photos are always on point, and they capture the natural world in a way that is both beautiful and calming. You won't be disappointed if you give them a follow!

Thank you, @juliansokto, for sharing photos from your world. Please keep doing so, as we are happy to see them. Your perspective is valuable, and your images provide a window into a different way of life. Keep up the good work!

Thank you all, and have a great week!

--- The D.Buzz

We strive to have a fun and neutral stance on topics. If you have any concerns with the content, please contact @jacuzzi who writes and generates the content for our articles, or the @dbuzz team for clarification.

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