The magic of articles

By 10 minutes | dayplorer | 16 May 2020

Articles are known to drive traffic on a website or blog. They help give a site a high ranking on search results pages. The higher a site is, the higher the proportion of the traffic graph it gets. With a large number of traffic flows, there are more benefits and more potential for other revenue generating schemes.

But, it's not just about filling our site or blog with articles, they also have certain requirements. These conditions must be met to obtain the maximum benefit that an article will offer to our site or blog. A well written article will capture the attention and interest of our customers and keep them coming back for more. They may also recommend our site to others.

Here are some tips that can help and assist us in creating our articles. Things all articles need to be successful and help our site to be profitable with overflowing traffic.

1. Keywords and key phrases.

An article should always focus on keywords and keyword phrases. Since many know what they are looking for and where they will find it, there are those who simply browse, but are actually looking for something specific. When this happens, an investigator usually goes to a search engine and enters the keywords he is looking for (for example, Bitcoin today, The best antivirus, Trade secrets ...) It can be anything he wants.

The important thing is that we have an article that contains the keywords linked to our site. For example, if we maintain an auto parts site, we need to be able to have articles about automobiles and their parts. There are many tools on the Internet that provide services to help a webmaster determine which keywords and keyword phrases are the most searched. We can use this tool to determine which keywords to use and write.

2. Keyword density

Know that we have our keywords and key phrases, we must use them fully. An article must have a good keyword density for a search engine to "feel" its presence. Articles must have at least ten to fifteen percent of the keyword density in your content in order for search engines to rank a site high in their search results. Getting a high ranking is what articles for a site do best.

Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase is used in an article. The number varies depending on the number of words used in an article. An effective article must have a keyword density that is neither too high nor too low. With a very high density, the essence of the article is lost and can turn off a reader and search engines, something excessive. A small number can be ignored by search engines.

3. Good content of the article.

As stated above, we cannot simply tag an article with keywords. Good reading materials should also be considered. Articles should be able to entertain people, provide good information, and meet their needs. Articles should be well written with correct spelling and good grammar. If we want people to trust us, we have to make our work good and well thought out.

People respond well to numbers, facts, and statistics. We try to get as much information and as much data as possible. A good well written article will strengthen our reputation as an expert in the chosen field or topic. As more people believe in us. They can trust us and trust our products.

4. Articles link

And another important thing to remember. If we are going to submit articles to ezines and / or contribute our articles to newsletters and other sites, NEVER FORGET to include a link to our site. A small resource box with a brief description of our site. If people like our articles, they will most likely click on the link that will direct them to our site or blog.

Well, that's all. I hope this article has been useful, greetings to all.

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