Better Day

By NFTTunz | Money and Music | 9 Aug 2019


Better Day - New Music by Darren Claxton - Produced by @davidfar




Good afternoon world!

So, here it is! my Brand New song 'Better Day' which has been masterfully produced by @davidfar
I sent him the stems earlier this week and he got to work on it.
The extra instruments (Drums and Strings) really bring out the dynamics and depth of the song.
He's a real magician and super talented musician and producer that I'd highly recommend on any of your future music projects.


Little bright lights in the flicker moon
shut my eyes for a little snooze
calming down a busy
and dreaming of a better way

River streams and butterflies
waking up to a better life
lucky star that shone so bright
we are here and this is why

taking time to figure out
all the things will get to you
recognise and do without
and put you in the mood, mood mood

Little bright lights in the flicker moon
shut my eyes for a little snooze
calming down a busy
and dreaming of a better way

River streams and butterflies
waking up to a better life
lucky star that shone so bright
we are here and this is why

taking time to figure out
all the things will get to you
recognise and do without
and put you in the mood, mood mood

All Music, Lyrics and Artwork Copyright (c) 2019 Darren Claxton
Mixed, Mastered and Produced by @davidfar
drum samples, strings and OOOOs by @davidfar.


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