By Daniella Blog | Daniella cryptonews | 18 Aug 2019

Today, I'll be sharing with you how I make some cool cash from cryptos.
It's not a new news that we have more unstable coins than stable coins and by that, traders have the chances of making profit(s) or loss(es) while trading.
Looking at the current status of the market, the bears seems to be more effective like what we had last year's December.
This is a new opportunity for hodlers to make their move in getting the little or much they can, but where can one store these coins that is being bought during this period of draught?
Well, that's not the sole aim of writing this post.
This post is specifically for those who wish to invest in the cryptos that will be profitable in few months time.
Okay, let's get started.
Before one decide to invest in cryptos, the following should be made known;
1. If the coin falls and rises with other coins.
2. If the coin is under attack by hackers.
3. If the demand for the coin is high or low.
4. If the coin is more or less popular.
5. If the coin has any safe wallet.
6. If the coin is being funded by good and outstanding investors.

To add more spices, one should check;
1. For news about the coin.
2. Predictions by other users.
3. Signals ( whether bull or bear)
4. Check if more exchange sites will list the coin (specifically for developing coins)
5. Ask questions ( if you're investing largely).

So, with the above points, one should know which coin to set his/her eyes on.
Don't make silly mistakes on investments.
I'm @daniella619 on steemit.com
Danoskie on publish0x
Danoskie on weku.io

Original post on steemit

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Daniella Blog
Daniella Blog

I'm a crypto analyst, blogger and logo designer. I assist in academic research (sciences only) and a freelancer.

Daniella cryptonews
Daniella cryptonews

A blog meant only for the latest crypto currency's market news. This blog is in collaboration with my steemit account @daniella619

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