What To Do During Bearish Period

By Daniella Blog | Daniella cryptonews | 29 Jul 2019

Hello peeps,
It's another time for the people that knows how to make money after the dry season.
I call it dry season for the crops have started to lose weights.
So for this, I've decided to share a piece of information that will help you earn some cash during the raining season which will soon come.
Before I drop it off, I will to take your mind back to the beginning of this year.
Do you remember?
BTC was once below $5k and people really complained and complained and complained without good reasons and ignorant was shadowing soo many of them.
But look at the few that could utilizing that period of dryness. They are enjoying it and have been making use of some likely occurrences.
Don't you like to be part of them?
Ok. Welcome back.
What I wanted you to understand at first is that every disappointment is a blessing to those who see disappointment(s).
This is another opportunity for you to seize.
BTC has fallen to a marketable price. Both sellers and buyers trade at fair rate.
I believe strongly that BTC is steaming for another burst.
Don't miss this opportunity again (if you missed before).
It's not a must that you buy in bulk.
You can equally buy some other coins that has fallen.
Also remember to get a good wallet that will keep your coins until you wish to sell it.
Don't buy from the black market. Be guided.
That's all for now.

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Daniella Blog
Daniella Blog

I'm a crypto analyst, blogger and logo designer. I assist in academic research (sciences only) and a freelancer.

Daniella cryptonews
Daniella cryptonews

A blog meant only for the latest crypto currency's market news. This blog is in collaboration with my steemit account @daniella619

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