Crypto investment

How I make up to 3x of my investment in cryptos

By Daniella Blog | Daniella cryptonews | 29 Jul 2020

 Hello peeps!

How are you doing?
Yeah, I noticed that the title of my post got your attention.
I won't waste your time and never will I beat around the bush.
Have you wondered why some people get rich everyday, just by reading cryptos?
Yeah, it's very possible and it's the best part of crypto currency that you should know.
For me, I've got the secret which I will be sharing with you.
Trading cryptos is risk-filled job and anyone who wants to be very successful in trading cryptos must not believe that he or she will not make losses. That's 100%.
After 3 years of experimenting on the best cryptos to trade, I finally realized that BTC and Eth are just for peeps who which to transfer their huge funds.
I also made mistakes with them untill the day I saw bear and bull tokens.
That was my redemption.
I noticed that whenever tokens like BSV, EOS, LINK go bullish, there are these tokens known as BSVbear and BSVbull, EOSbear and EOSbull, LINKbear and LINKbull, etc.
These tokens follow the directions of their waves.
When the market is in its bullish form, bull tokens must go up while bear tokens go down.
Did you noticed something?
You should.
I got the idea of investment in both areas, for example;
I buy EOSbear during bullish period and sell when EOS goes bear. The bear tokens must be at least, 2 times the price what I bought it.
At that point, EOSbull must have gone to the ground and I have to buy it at the best lowest price (use Chinese candle).
Simple mathematics. If X is negative, Y must be positive. Buy X and sell Y. Still repeat the process when Y is negative.
Just like now, bull tokens are doing great. Sell bull upto 3x of your buy price and buy bear tokens.
That's all for now.
Feel free to comment on this post.
Happy trading

Original post on hive


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Daniella Blog
Daniella Blog

I'm a crypto analyst, blogger and logo designer. I assist in academic research (sciences only) and a freelancer.

Daniella cryptonews
Daniella cryptonews

A blog meant only for the latest crypto currency's market news. This blog is in collaboration with my steemit account @daniella619

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