21/07/2019 Price Update: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litcoin, OX(ZRX), STEEM, Steem Base Dollars (SBD), Basic Attention Token, Bitshare, PVT (pivot coin), DAI, XRP, EOS.

By Daniella Blog | Daniella cryptonews | 21 Jul 2019


Hello peeps,
How are you doing today?
It's another bearish trend, live in the cryptos market.
Most coins are loosing it little by little except for EOS whose fuel is good enough to withstand this current wave.
Remember to utilizing the BHS formula i.e Buying>Hodling>Selling. Hahahaha.
It has helped many people on the cryptos platform in making more money than miners.
Okay let's go straight to the point.
NB: The prices of these cryptos are based on the time of this post. None of them is a stable coin.
Sources: Binance, Coinbase and Pivot app*
1. Bitcoin
2. Bitcoin Cash
3. Ethereum
4. Ethereum Classic
5. Litcoin
6. Ox(ZRX)
8. STEEM Based Dollars- SBD
$0.8 - 0.9
9. Basic Attention Token
10. Bitshare
11. PVT (pivot coin)
12. DAI
13. ZRP
14. EOS
$4.24 <hr>
To get the price in your country's currency, just multiply it with the current currency exchange rate.
That's all for now.
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Daniella Blog
Daniella Blog

I'm a crypto analyst, blogger and logo designer. I assist in academic research (sciences only) and a freelancer.

Daniella cryptonews
Daniella cryptonews

A blog meant only for the latest crypto currency's market news. This blog is in collaboration with my steemit account @daniella619

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