Record payout for $NSBT holders (4% daily). WAVES DeFi is mooning!

By DaniBom | danibom | 27 Apr 2021

The $NSBT token (native on the Waves Blockchain, but available also on ETH and BSC) gives great benefits to the holders, without IL risks.

Stakers of $NSBT get rewarded daily with a distribution of USDN generated by swaps on the waves exchange; yesterday $WAVES price increased from 14$ to 21$, generating a distribution of over 1.3M USDN to NSBT stakers.

So for each $NSBT staked I received 0.74$ USDN; considering that yesterday morning the value of the token was 18$, that's a 4% daily APR.

No pools or farms can give this kind of returns without IL risks; of course not everyday is like this, but the distribution has been great over the last weeks while the price of $NSBT has been ranging between 18 and 24$, a clear sign of accumulation

With the moon factor activation, a low supply (95% staking) and the increase in $WAVES TVL (that passed 1B recently) $NSBT is very undervalued and could increase exponentially in a very short amount of time.

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