Fantasy Formula 1 2020 is ready!

By DaniBom | danibom | 4 Mar 2020

The 2020 Formula 1 season is less than 10 days away and why not make a Fantasy team to follow it with even more passion?

Without major regulation changes for 2020, it promises to be a very exciting Formula 1 season. Lewis Hamilton is of course the big favorite with Mercedes, but Red Bull can become a serious threat with Max Verstappen. In addition, the Dutch GP will also return to the calendar after 35 years. Enough ingredients for any Formula One fan to get excited.

And that becomes even more exciting with your own Fantasy team. Zweeler will run the Fantasy Formula 1 2020 with 6,000 euros in prizes and a top prize of 1,000 euros! Choose six drivers and three teams within the budget and sit back and watch the action unfold. At Zweeler there are no changes or predictions per Grand Prix throughout the season.

The Fantasy Formula 1 2020 starts on Sunday 15 March 2020 at 6:10 hours CET with the Grand Prix of Australia.

You have a budget of 136 million euro to buy 6 drivers and 3 F1 teams of which you think are going to win the most points in the Fantasy Formula 1 2020. You also need to predict who will become World Champion of the drivers and the constructors.

The game will cost €10.00 per team and will start with a guaranteed amount of €6,000.00 in prizes. The first prize will be €1,000.00 (121 GC prizes).

Finally you can win with your friends, colleagues and family €90.00 in the sub league classification (€50.00, €25.00, €15.00).

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