DeFi on WAVES is easy and for everyone!

By DaniBom | danibom | 8 May 2021

I've been using DeFi solution on waves for a few months and every week some new way of earning yields is added by the team.

The Waves ecosystem recently surpassed 2 billion $ in TVL, with a stated goal of reaching 10B thanks also to a major upgrade to the protocol and smart contracts due in May.

The waves exchange and wallet can be accessed using a hardware wallet (Ledger Nano S), creating a login via email (protected via 2fa), using a seed phrase or waves keeper (a browser extension similar to Metamask), giving every level of user (expert of beginner) many options and very low fees.

You can choose different kinds of risks on the investments page with consequent rewards; using Algorithmic Trading, LP Staking and Lambo investments, each giving different returns.


At the moment you can deposit ETH in the LP staking pool and earn 11% APY with NO RISK of impermanent loss; The return on Bitcoin is 5.45% while USDC and USDT give over 30% returns.

Beside that, Waves can be staked and nine stablecoins give variable returns from 20% to 37%.

Another (and maybe the best) way to earn passive income on the Waves Ecosystem is via NSBT staking. 

NSBT is the governance tokens of neutrino, stakers can vote for a proposal like the latest one that increased defo swap fee to 0.6%; NSBT stakers earn everyday USDN, waves and the various stablecoins based on the swaps executed on the waves exchange; for every WAVES to USDN swap a 2% fee is collected and distributed to NSBT stakers, giving them a great income.


A few days ago a record-breaking 1.3M fees were distributed in a day, giving each NSBT holder 0.74$ for each token (valued 18$ at the time). In the next few days the distribution was still high (0.33$ yesterday), with an average of 0.15$ in the last 12 days that will give about 120% APR on NSBT staking at the current price (47$); and this is just the beginning, with Gold and stocks like Tesla coming to Waves Defi Soon.

A third important option to earn on waves is via, providing liquidity and receiving both LP fees and Swop tokens are a reward; SWOP can be also staked and used to vote for the pool's weight, giving this way all the power to the community. liquidity is at about 70M$ with over 60M volume in the last 7 days, all numbers are going to increase very soon with the addition of pools boost and new farming options.

In the last 7 days, the BTC-USDN pair gave a 46% APY to LPs, while ETH-USDN went over 64%!

Currently, 16 pools are available and 40% of the fees collected on the exchange are used to buy back SWOP tokens that are distributed to stakers (37% APY in the last week)



Recently the Waves Dex was also upgraded, giving the users an experience similar to a CEX (and the fees are only 0.003 waves per trade). 

On the dex all the waves platform tokens can be traded, in addition to many majors cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, XMR, LTC, DASH, CRV, etc).




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