Marigold by Nirvana - Daily Song Facts

(Note, this version is an "alt mix")

  • In Dave Grohl's initial months in Seattle, Kurt Cobain overheard him working on a song called "Color Pictures Of A Marigold," and the two ended up jamming on it. During the sessions for In Utero, the band decided to record the song and released it as a B-side on the "Heart Shaped Box" single, titled simply "Marigold."
  • It is the only Nirvana song to feature Dave Grohl on lead vocals.
  • Dave Grohl, who wrote the song, covered this with his band, the Foo Fighters on their 2006 acoustic tour. The cover was included on their live acoustic CD "Skin And Bones." This was the first time Grohl covered a Nirvana song.

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