SwissBorg BTC Price Game, Final Rounds until Free Coins been released

By CryptoJay | CyptoFreedom | 7 Aug 2020

SwissBorg Swiss BTC Market game offers an innovative learn and earn BTC Game where you predict the movement of BTC in the next 24h and each successful forecast earns you points and the more points you earn, the higher your rank and a chance to win a share of up to half a million dollars!



the App offers in Addition to the current BTC price a brought ways to discover how booth Annalists and Computer AI is evaluating the current BTC movement with up and down a prediction.


So if your new to the Crypto space and want to discover or train your market Predictions  then its the best way to start, it's free and fun to play, and it gives the possibility to earn their Swiss coins CHSB + Prize Pool where Swiss will add 1$ per new user until it reaches 500k $$, I would appreciate if you use my referral code T365OAA at signup so I can get the Referral badge, thanks and roger out

!!CHSB  token is live since March so hurry up and earn your badges before this free chance is gone!!!


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