Speaking at the CISO and Executive Leadership Event


I am looking forward to speaking at the CISO/Executive Leadership Forum this October 24th-25th in Napa California! This will be such a stellar event and great opportunity to network with amazing leaders.

Check out more details at: https://mind-fluence.com/napa-2024/

The Mindfluence Cybersecurity Leadership Forum provides a unique platform for today’s most influential leaders in cybersecurity. This two-day event includes Peer-To-Peer Councils and Panel Discussions that will stimulate thought, provoke debate and inspire dialogue.

The venue will be at the boutique Andaz Napa — World of Hyatt hotel.

Napa California is a world-renowned destination, known for its wineries.

“Be inspired by the charm of Napa Wine Country from our boutique downtown hotel. Experience essential Napa, including Oxbow Public Market and the Napa Valley Wine Train, which are both located within walking distance of our hotel. Explore the arts, wine and culinary culture through exclusive hotel events, a tasting room and world-class dining.”

Hope to see you there!

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Matthew Rosenquist
Matthew Rosenquist

Cybersecurity Strategist specializing in the evolution of threats, opportunities, and risks in pursuit of optimal security for our digital world.

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