Do CISOs Smile?



How often do CISOs smile? Not very often. The role is difficult, ambiguous, and chaotic. There are immense pressures and grandiose expectations. The threat of being sacrificed on a moment’s notice if anything ever goes wrong, often leads to a sour disposition. It is rare in the wild to see a practicing Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) ever crack a grin, much less a smile.


However, some cybersecurity events set themselves apart as CISOs build partnerships, commiserate, and communicate both best practices and pitfalls to avoid.


Mindfluence was one of those events! (…although the perfect weather, being hosted in Napa California, and some amazing wines might have also contributed to overall jovialness)


This collection of CISOs found a common ground to share insights and enlarge their network of colleagues.


I am looking forward to future events!

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Matthew Rosenquist
Matthew Rosenquist

Cybersecurity Strategist specializing in the evolution of threats, opportunities, and risks in pursuit of optimal security for our digital world.

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