My upcoming work and article about cryptocurrencies and monetary policies

By Vladan Lausevic | CryptoVlad | 9 Jul 2023

Hey people :) 

As some of you already know, I have written a policy paper for African Institute for Decentralised Finance and Blockchain (AIDBLOCK) regarding cryptocurrencies and international financial institutions as the IMF, BiS and G20. 

At the moment, I am in the process of finalizing a new paper focusing on crypto and public monetary policies regarding central banks, governments, and CBDCs. 

In the following articles, I am going to write about it. If you would like to know any extra info about how crypto can compete with or even lead to abolishing central banks, you can email me via [email protected] or  [email protected]  or ask me for Discord, Telegram, Whats App or other apps that you prefer. 


Stay tuned :) 



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Vladan Lausevic
Vladan Lausevic

Based in Stockholm, Sweden as a social entrepreneur. Working with decentralization of democracy, climate transformation and economy. For more info, please get in touch with me via [email protected]


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