Crypto, Hamas and Israel - quo vadis?

By Vladan Lausevic | CryptoVlad | 15 Oct 2023


Hey people

At the moment, I am very horrified and feeling Weltsmertz (World pain) regarding the current war between all the humans dying in Israel and Palestine.

I am also reading that cryptocurrencies have been used by Hamas militants and terrorists as for buying weapons. I can only imagine reactions like, "crypto is bad, mm ok".

What are your thoughts about it? How can crypto be used to promote more global peace, economic integration, and cooperation? After all, the idea is that most humans can cooperate without governments.

For example, how can Bitcoin and other cryptos contribute to peace between Israel and Palestine? Please write your best and ambitious answers.


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Vladan Lausevic
Vladan Lausevic

Based in Stockholm, Sweden as a social entrepreneur. Working with decentralization of democracy, climate transformation and economy. For more info, please get in touch with me via [email protected]


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