FEGswap Overtakes UNIswap!

By DeadlyRacoon | CryptoSplash | 7 Feb 2021

FEGswap will be released by the end of the month and will revolutionize exchanges with all defi tokens. FEG token has been out less than a week, and already done 306x. FEG token also already has around 2000 holders! What makes this token great? The answer is the committed and passionate community and team of developers working non stop to deliver greatness. 

FEGswap is not a UNIswap clone! It is a custom built code to fix all of the issues UNI has with custom metric defi tokens. If you are sick of all the error messages you will love FEGswap.


FEGswap will offer free swap fees when swapping ETH/FEG pair. This means you will save the 0.3% costs on uniswap thats a 48$ saving per eth. This savings it passed to you and will offset your gas costs.


FEGswap is already being tested as we speak!


FEGswap will offer internal locked liquidity features as well as protection from frontrunning bots!


More info on it will come out soon, we will launch FEG swap this month!

PLEASE make sure you follow all social media so you do not miss out on upcoming projects, partnerships, and updates. We are putting so many new projects together, and I would hate for you to miss out! We are expecting 1000x from here at the minimum. Again we are already one of the most dedicated crypto communities out there and we have only been out for less than a week. I would strongly encourage you to just do a quick Youtube search of FEG token and you will see we have a lot of new holders coming in everyday. Join the telegram to personally talk with the developers and the team about where we as a company are headed. We also plan to partner with animal conservation organizations to donate a percentage of profits to help FEED EVERY GORILLA around the world! 


Instagram: feg_token

Twitter: @FEGtoken

Website: fegtoken.com

Discord: https://discord.gg/Xpuq9Me29P

Telegram: https://t.me/FEGchat

Medium: https://link.medium.com/rLThzaXGGdb

Merchandise: http://redbubble.com/i/samsung-case/FEG-Feed-Every-Gorilla-by-Themancan/70196151.S4BK2?utm_source=rb-native-app&utm_campaign=share-product&utm_medium=android



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Cryptocurrency is the future. Do you want to retire at 40? This blog will cover the latest news and price predictions for upcoming cryptocurrencies. I will also regularly post funny things that happen to me in my life. My goal in having this blog is to be able to look back at positive experiences and successfully predicting the crypto market. I am pleased to announce that I have recently become the social media manager of FEG token. Website: fegtoken.com Telegram: https://t.me/FEGchat Twitter: @FEGtoken

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