Radix partners with Quantstamp

By uygarpelin | CryptoNygma | 20 Oct 2020

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About Quantstamp

Quantstamp is the first scalable security audit protocol designed to find vulnerabilities in Ethereum smart contracts.
It is a leader in blockchain security providing expert security audits and blockchain solutions.

Top crypto and enterprise companies including Ethereum 2.0 (Prysmatic Labs Client), Binance, MakerDAO, Chainlink, eToro, and World Economic Forum choose Quantstamp to secure their blockchain applications.

What Does Quantstamp Do?

Quantstamp is actually a audit network. This expert network envelops investors, users, and developers with scalable and transparent audit evidence. The network allows automatic controls over various vulnerabilities of smart contracts. It also automatically rewards those who spot mistakes and encourages the network to be always in top shape.

The picture below shows the way the quantstamp protocol works.

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About Partnership

Radix is already working with Quantstamp to audit the unlocking smart contract for its own eXRD ERC20 token, but Radix realized there was a much deeper partnership possible. Radix discovered a natural combination of Radix’s new form of smart contract development and Quantstamp’s offerings for developers.

Let’s look at the words of the managers about partnership

Piers Ridyard (Radix): “The Radix Engine is designed to provide the most purposeful environment for secure decentralized finance. Adding in Quantstamp’s security audits and automated insurance on funds managed by smart contracts completes the picture to provide mainstream confidence in Radix DeFi applications. We’re excited to work with Quantstamp to make secure, insured Components the standard on the Radix public network.”

Richard Ma (Quantstamp): “We’re always drawn to decentralized platforms that let developers build innovative new applications, and Radix’s security-focused form of smart contracts and scalability are compelling. We believe that insurance is a critical component to create true security in the DeFi space. Because Radix Components allow creation of powerful modular functionality, integrating Chainproof insurance into dApps that we audit will be as easy for devs as plugging in a Chainproof lego brick.”

Following the release of Radix’s RPN-1 Radix mainnet, Radix roadmap focus will be delivering a Radix Engine with Component development, a modular Component Catalog, and its unique decentralized Developer Royalties System. By Looking at this article, we will see new agreements in partnership in the future.

Meanwhile, the Token sale will continue until 22.10.2020.
For those who want to take advantage of this privilege, I leave the Token sale link below. You will also find Other links related to Radix.

Public Sale Link: https://tokens.radixdlt.com/

Official website: https://www.radixdlt.com/

Radix Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/radixdlt

Radix DLT Official Telegram: https://t.me/radix_dlt

Radix Whitepapers: https://www.radixdlt.com/#white_papers

Radix Blog: https://www.radixdlt.com/blog/

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