The Shady Games Of Abra Wallet

The Shady Games Of Abra Wallet

About three months ago, I published an article with the title Store, Buy, Trade, Borrow, and Earn Interest on your Crypto With Abra - Get $25 in CPRX Tokens! here on Publish0x. At that time, signing up for Abra Wallet was no doubt a great deal. You were able to receive a sign-up bonus of $25 in $CPRX tokens and you could trade them right away.

However, what Abra wallet is doing today is somehow pretty shady, and here is why.

Back in December last year, Abra Wallet came up with a pretty awesome offer. Abra Wallet gave you a sign-up bonus worth $25 in $CPRX tokens after signing up to their wallet and holding at least $15 in cryptocurrencies for a week. If you wanted, you could simply have kept them in your wallet to enjoy certain benefits like a higher cashback rate. Another possibility was to trade your $CPRX tokens for any other cryptocurrencies directly in your Abra wallet. This is probably what most of the users did. They sold their $CPRX tokens from the sign-up bonus right away. As a result, the price of the $CPRX tokens went constantly down.

You were only able to trade 500 $CPRX tokens every hour but however, you were able to sell your tokens from the sign-up bonus right away directly in your wallet which made this deal pretty awesome. I also sold some of my bonus tokens directly in my Abra Wallet.

CPRX tokens Abra Wallet

In the beginning, it was a great deal but this has changed with the beginning of this month. First of all the reward only for non-US customers had been reduced to $5 but that's just a side note and not the actual problem. There are two big problems to be exact.

One big problem is that pending reward tokens keep on pending and are not credited to your wallet. They just keep on pending like forever.


This is already pretty shady but what about the $CPRX tokens that are already credited to your wallet? Well, here comes the second big problem as you can't sell them anymore. The maximum exchange amount is ZERO $CPRX tokens.

The Shady Games Of Abra Wallet

You still can try to trade your $CPRX tokens over on Bittrex but here is the thing: $CPRX is an ERC20 token running on the Ethereum blockchain and sending them costs a hell of a lot of gas fees. For this reason, your sign-up bonus is basically stuck in your wallet.


My Final Words

Three months ago, Abra wallet and its sign-up bonus had been a great deal but this has changed drastically and today I would say that signing up for Abra wallet is not worth it anymore. Abra wallet still may be a legit project but the games they are playing are just shady. 

At the end of my post, I also like to remind you that my intention in this post is to raise your awareness of the Abra wallet and its shady games. My intention is not to replace your own research. However, I hope that I could provide you with some useful information.

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