ZERO Fees To Send And Spend Crypto With Binance Pay!

Benefit From ZERO Fees For Sending And Spending Crypto With Binance Pay!

I have a dream. This dream is sending cryptocurrencies instantly and feeless to friends and family or merchants. Recently I found a way to do exactly this, even with cryptocurrencies that usually have high transaction fees and long transaction times like Ethereum and Bitcoin. 

The solution for this problem is called Binance Pay.


What Is Binance Pay?

Binance Pay allows you to pay and get paid in cryptocurrencies from your friends, family, or customers worldwide. The transactions are not only feeless but also secure and usually confirmed instantly.

Currently, Binance Pay is already supporting a wide variety of more than thirty cryptocurrencies including BTC, BNB, BUSD, ETH, ADA, ATOM, BCH, DASH, DOGE, DOT, EOS, ETC, FIL, HBAR, LINK, LTC, MATIC, NEO, PAX, QTUM, TRX, TUSD, UNI, USDC, VET, WRX, XLM, XMR, XRP, XTZ, ZEC, USDT, FRONT, STRAX, ONE, EGLD, and SXP.


How You Can Benefit From Using Binance Pay

Sending cryptocurrencies instantly and with absolutely ZERO fees is the biggest benefit of using Binance Pay that can save you a lot of your hard-earned cryptos.

Another benefit of Binance Pay is that you can also access the Binance Marketplace. On the Binance Marketplace, you can buy goods and services directly with your crypto, also instantly and feeless. With the Binance Marketplace, spending crypto has become much easier. 

For example, you can book your next travel with cryptocurrencies or create and send Gift Cards.

Binance Marketplace


How You Use Binance Pay

Your Binance Pay account is quite easy to set up. Of course, you need to be a registered user on Binance. 

You can access Binance Pay on your desktop under the Finance tab or you can access Binance Pay through the Binance App on your tablet or smartphone.

In my opinion, Binance Pay works best on the smartphone app. For this reason, I am showing you the steps on the app.

Log in to your account on the Binance app, click on your profile, and then on "pay".


Click on "Open Pay Wallet" and choose a nickname that is being displayed on all your Binance Pay transactions. Choose wisely because your nickname can not be changed once you set it. Accept the terms of use and proceed.


Now you can top up your Binance Pay wallet with assets from your spot wallet or you can simply skip for now and fund your Binance Pay wallet later.


That's basically all you have to do. Your Binance Pay wallet is now ready to use and you can set a payment priority order for the assets in your Binance Pay Wallet.


The dashboard of your Binance Pay Wallet will look like this. You can now pay, receive, and transfer your funds. You can also access the Binance Pay QR code scanner quickly from the home screen of your mobile phone. You will also get a small introduction on the screen and you can additionally watch a quick tutorial.


To pay instantly and feeless, simply type or paste your recipient’s Pay ID or simply scan their Binance Pay QR code with your Binance app.


My Final Words

If you have ever sent Bitcoin, Ethereum, or some ERC20 tokens then you know that the transaction fee can be excessively high. Finding a way to save those nasty fees as well as long transaction times was what I am dreaming of. 

At the end of my post, I also like to remind you that my intention in this post is to raise your awareness of Binance Pay and my intention is not to replace your own research. However, this post really reflects my own opinion.

If you are not registered on Binance yet, you can use my referral link with the invitation code E3PGAJCE for signing up. When you use it, it will save you trading fees each time you perform a trade on Binance. Don't forget about this possibility when you introduce a friend to cryptocurrency as it will save both of you some money. 

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