How I Got Wrecked by Bots and Missed Out on Across (And Why It's Not Game Over)

How I Got Wrecked by Bots and Missed Out on Across (And Why It's Not Game Over)

This morning, the crypto world lit up with news that Across, the cross-chain protocol I first heard about in 2022, had just landed on Binance. And the token? It went straight to the moon.

The charts were glowing green, Twitter buzzed with FOMO-fueled hype, and early community members celebrated their gains. Meanwhile, I was sitting there, feeling a pang of regret.

Why? Because I was not just watching a pump. I watched a community I could have been part of hit its stride but wasn't there to join them. All because I could not get into their Discord server back when it mattered most.

The Promise of Across: The Bridge to Rule Them All

Before we dive into my personal FOMO, let's talk about Across. If you haven't heard of it yet, this protocol is all about making cross-chain transfers fast, cheap, and reliable. Imagine moving your assets between Ethereum mainnet and its various Layer 2s like Arbitrum, Loopring, or Optimism without sweating high fees or delays. That's in short the magic of Across.

Across stood out to me from the start for different reasons.

First of all, its efficiency. Across uses a relayer network and optimistic transfer process to ensure transactions are lightning-fast and cost-efficient.

Then the protocol prioritizes safety by leveraging UMA’s optimistic oracle for dispute resolution.

Finally, Across is not just a protocol, it is a bridge connecting the fragmented crypto landscape.

In short, Across is not just another DeFi project. It is infrastructure and a cornerstone for the interoperable future we all dream about in crypto.

My Failed Attempt to Join the Across Community

I think it was back in early 2022 when the buzz around Across was picking up steam. The token hadn't launched yet, but the community was already alive with excitement. A friend of mine and fellow author from Publish0x PVM told me about the project and offered to introduce me to their Discord. It was the perfect opportunity to get in early and connect with the people shaping the future of cross-chain tech.

But getting into that Discord? A nightmare.

I clicked the invite link, filled out the verification steps, and… nothing. Bots blocked me at every turn. I sat there refreshing the page, cursing the CAPTCHA gods, and wondering what was wrong with my account. I even considered setting up a whole new Discord just to get in. But after hours of frustration, I gave up. Meanwhile, I already published a complete article about "Why I Can't Stand Discord: An Honest Take For The Crypto Fam" and deleted my Discord completely.

When the Binance Listing Hit, FOMO Did Too

Fast forward to November 2022, when Across officially launched its token. I watched the news from the sidelines, feeling a little left out but still optimistic about its future. Then came today’s Binance listing.

As the token pumped to new heights, I couldn't help but feel wrecked, not financially, but emotionally.

Seeing the excitement on crypto Twitter, the memes about “early alpha,” and the celebration of those who believed from day one made me realize I had just missed a pump. I had missed being part of something bigger: the early community that helped shape Across into what it is today.

FOMO Is Real But It’s Not the End

FOMO hits hard in crypto. It is not just about the missed opportunities but more about the feeling of being on the sidelines, watching the action instead of participating.

But here is the thing about FOMO. It is not a death sentence. In fact, it is one of the best teachers you will find in this space. Here is what I have learned from missing out on Across.

First of all, I learned that community is everything in crypto. Crypto projects live and die by their communities. The early Discord days are when the project builds its identity, culture, and momentum. By failing to join the Across Discord, I missed out on the chance to connect with builders, advocates, and believers. That kind of energy is irreplaceable and makes crypto more than just tech.

Then I also learned that FOMO can be a trap. When FOMO strikes, it is easy to panic and make rash decisions. But chasing every pump or regretting every missed opportunity is a one-way ticket to burnout. The key is to reflect, learn, and focus on the long game. Crypto is a marathon, not a sprint.

Ultimately, I learned that there is always another chance. The beauty of crypto is that it is always evolving. If you miss one moonshot, there is another one around the corner. Even if you miss out on the gains, you can still contribute in meaningful ways, just as I am doing with this post.

The Writing Competition: My Redemption Arc

Now, Across is hosting a writing competition on Publish0x, and here I am, telling my story. Extra points go to those who join their Discord and share their content which is, of course, something I am still struggling with.

But this time, I am not letting FOMO win. Instead of dwelling on what I missed, I am focusing on what I can offer. Sharing my experience, my lessons, and my admiration for the Across team is my way of contributing to their story.

My Final Conclusion

If there is one thing Across has taught me then it is that crypto is about more than just profits. It is about building bridges. Bridges between chains, between people, and between missed opportunities and new ones.

Sure, I got wrecked by bots and missed the early days of Across. But that does not mean it's game over. The crypto space is full of opportunities for those who stay curious, engaged, and ready to contribute.

So to the team behind Across, I say this: Keep building bridges, not just between chains, but between people. The decentralized future is about making crypto accessible to everyone, whether they are Discord natives or not. And to everyone else reading this? Remember: It is never too late to cross into something new.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoy this type of content, follow me on Publish0x for more and if you like, you can also follow me on X/Twitter and Medium.

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