Brave Browser, a new way to understand the Internet with blockchain technology.

By yonilkar | Cryptologs | 13 Aug 2019


The Internet has become in part of our lives and it's even an human right.
Millions of people around the world are in connection constantly, sharing, posting, streaming, and reading content day by day.

The most common way of use the Internet is through Web browsers, many of them came to stay but we have a price to pay.
Ads, trackers, cookies and even malware are the consequence that our computer get infected with viruses.

Google is the most significant example of that, ads, ads and ads everywhere and anywhere.
If you search for something there is and ad, if you want to watch a video fist you have to each their ad, If you have an Android well is an ADroid.
The only thing that I like of chrome is chromium engine, the development brower of Google because Brave was created.
Brave is the first Web browser focus on privacy and is used blockchain technology.



With Chrome, ads everywhere



With Brave

They consider that you're are not a product because every time you find annoying ADs that you don't want to see, is waste of time. Internet is free and everyone knows that users data is the business of today but the cost is that they steal your data your time and your privacy.
This amazing project have a cryptocurrency based on the ethereum blockchain. A crypto called BAT (Basic Attention Token).



You can earn BAT for download the browser and send a tip to your favorite content creators on platform like Youtube, Twich, Web pages and Twitter.
Even have a mobile version for Android, I use both.



This project is changing the Internet and showing the best browsing experience .

Brave is fast, private and Ad free.

Why you should switch to Brave?

After reading that why not

SwitchToBrave Writing Contest - $200 in BAT Prize Pool



You can decide where to take the train 


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Hello everyone this is Yonilkar I am a crypto lover that also is a musician and a gamer.


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