I already know the first thing you're thinking. He's a bitcoin maxi. Don't make me laugh. Bitcoin maxis are the most hypocritical people on the planet. But you know what you are? A status quo maxi. A mainstream maxi. A war maxi.
Bottom line: I have my private opinion on which validator infrastructure is better. I keep that private. But no one should be able to disagree with my public opinion — that everyone should have a CHOICE. PoW doesn't need to destroy or dominate PoS, or vice versa. Let them run concurrently; let builders build on their chosen chain, and let there be financial and technical sovereignty for those who want that in their lives.
Humanity bothers me. We all bore witness to a financial Immaculate Conception in bitcoin. Now, the fucking idiots who somehow found their way into influence want to do everything to suck that awesome miraculous 0 --> 1 moment back into the status quo as fast as possible.
Let's regulate it, and what's more, let's give regulatory power to the same fucks who made it necessary in the first place. Fuckin idiots.
Bitcoin was founded by anonymous, but let's FUD projects unless the founders doxx. How stupid can you morons be?
PoS trades expediency for sovereignty, which is the problem BTC was created to solve. I don't care what side you're on, this much is true: Centralizing any aspect of a crypto project either technically or financially creates a chokepoint for that project. The Ethereum project, once it merges and goes PoS, increases the number of chokepoints that unscrupulous agents can take advantage of to the detriment of the rest of the world.
There's no arguing that.
Who are the people I've seen yelling about PoS? First of all, they're all either horribly misinformed or only care about fiat. Dubai is guilty of this. They claim to be a crypto friendly city, but only as a fiat-lite system. The VCs there just want to get rich and buy hookers. Many other "crypto-friendly" territories have the same attitude. I know firsthand. I've been. I do think El Salvador is sincere.
So yeah, the types of people I see espousing this garbage fall into one of two groups:
1. business owners who want to use crypto to fund their bullshit cuz banks won't; and
2. lazy fucks who don't really understand WTF is going on but see an opportunity to grab a mic.
People yelling about PoS are the same people who are mindlessly yelling about "we need regulation" without specifying anything beyond that. They're the lazy podcasters like @bankless who really aren't interested in financial sovereignty beyond their own neighborhoods. Just leave US alone, and we'll be fine with whatever else you do. Maybe we'll offer some cursory protest, as with Tornado Cash, but that's just for show.
Evil incarnate.
It remains to be seen whether the majority of humanity will follow this as the mainstream narrative. Regardless, there will be choice given to people who really know the game.
For instance, there is defi on bitcoin. Right now. If you're following the mainstream narrative, you still think bitcoin is a dumb rock. You just learned the term "Turing complete," so you feel really smart saying that the Bitcoin chain isn't, so nothing can be built there. WRONG. Stop following these evil motherfuckers to your financial death.
I'm done. I'm tired of typing. More later.