Binance sold out, but did it lose the plot completely?

Binance is Just Robinhood Now

I'm hoping the true OGs from Binance are figuring out ways to siphon money away from the now captured Binance exchange product. Binance is now voluntarily registering itself in countries in which its services were available without registration, most recently India.

For the cheap seats: Registration with a country means sharing tax information with that country. This makes profiteering more difficult, and it completely eliminates the real reason to use Binance — supporting an exchange that helped set web3 apart as its own digital nation. Sure, you might have to pay taxes if you exchanged your ETH for rupees at an Indian bank after trading on Binance. I don't see anything wrong with that. I do see something wrong with a country taking a tax on a trade between two products it does not sponsor or protect in any way.

It's fine as long as there are iterations of Binance coming up that offer legitimate alternatives. Haven't checked. Are there any? Let me know.


And to be sure, if Binance is using its coffers to support products that achieve independence from unfair tax and information exploitation, that is a nice redirect. Anybody who has research on this let me know.

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