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How to Setup Phantom Solana Based Blockchain Web3 Wallet and Claim Free NFT and Stake Solana

By Charles Gune | cryptoguru | 30 Sep 2021

Phantom Web3 wallet turn your browser into a crypto wallet based on Solana blockchain.  Phantom unlocks a simple and secure way to interact with blockchain-based applications directly from your favorite web browser. You can Send & Receive Solana like a normal Solana wallet.
You can Collect NFTs base on Solana blockchain. You can Swap any Tokens on Solana built-in Dex.

Creating Phantom Solana Based Web Wallet:

First, I wanted to claim my free NFT from Solona based NFT game from For that I need to install Solana Based Phantom web wallet. In order to get the Phantom wallet visit website. Based on your browser, it will direct to the proper Phantom browser plugin page. In my case it was Brave so I went to the Chrome Webstore to get the Phantom plugin. I install the plugin directly from the webstore. Then I have to look under plugin and enable it. Without enabling it manually Phantom app will not show as installed apps in order to use it. Open the Phantom wallet. Click Create New wallet. You will be prompted for Wallet Seed. Write this down and save it somewhere safe. Never share that with anyone. That is the private key to your funds in this Solana wallet.  Next it will prompt to enter wallet password. You still can recover your wallet as long as you have the private seed phrase without the password.

NFT free Airdrops:
Here is how to claim free NFT Airdrops. After I create the wallet, I went to the NFT game. I played the game to claim my free NFT. I am not sure if this will be ever airdropped. I am looking for free NFT airdrops from You can find other NFT free airdrops from that great site.

Key Features of Phantom Solana Web wallet
Following are key features of Phantom Solana Web wallet:

1) Non-custodial. As the user you have full control of private keys.
2) Token swap: Use built-in DEX to safely swap tokens at the best price instantly.
3) NFT and Collectibles: You can hold, trade, and sell NFT and collectibles from the wallet.
4) Ledge Support: Phantom wallet supports hardware wallets like Ledger support directly.
5) Web3 Support: You can access any blockchain built on Solana blockchain.
6) SOL Staking: Earn rewards by staking directly inside your Phantom wallet.

Phantom wallet is now supported by Chrome, Brave, Firefox and Edge via browser plugins.

How to Stake Solona (SOL) Directly from Phantom Wallet
Staking is the process by which a SOL token holder assigns some or all of their tokens to a particular validator or validators, which helps increase those validators’ voting weight. Assigning your tokens to add to a validator’s stake-weight is known as “delegating” your tokens. Delegating your tokens to a validator does NOT give the validator ownership or control over your tokens. At all times, you still control all your staked tokens that you may have chosen to delegate.

Here are the 3 click process to stake SOL on Phantom wallet:

1 Install Phantom & deposit SOL
2 Click on the Solana token balance in your wallet
3 Click the "Start earning SOL" button
4 Choose a validator & amount to stake. Use to find a ranked list of the best options based on current network conditions.
5 Click "Stake"!

Video below show the actual setup of Phantom wallet:


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Charles Gune
Charles Gune

I love anything about cryptocurrencies. I am avid follower of cryptocurrencies. I follow trends on crypto. I am small scale cryptocurrency miner with my private farm.


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