Binance To List $HMSTR When The Trading Gates Will Open On September 26th

By unhedge0x | Crypto & Greed | 15 Sep 2024

Hamster Kombat is no news, but the Binance listing of the token should be news at the moment.

This comes as the teasing post by Hamster announced on their verified X handle the listing of $HMSTR on Binance.

Hamster Kombat Tweet

You might be wondering why all these Telegram Mini Apps are going mainstream.

To the best of my knowledge, capitalism is at it peak to market cryptocurrency to normies in a more engaging and pleasant manner by getting people tapping.

As of now, you can still start tapping  and make it as $HMSTR is barely 12 days to list on Binance and and other major exchanges.

Hamster Kombat Airdrop Countdown

That's two more weeks of farming anon and if you haven't started, then start now and experience the monumental launch of $HMSTR on the 26th of September.


Cheers 📖✍️🙏

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I am a Cryptocurrency enthusiast and a Blockchain believer. Visionary on how Digital Assets will impact the lives of the unbanked and underbanked. I am not an investment genius but a guy who believes in the fundamentals of Bitcoin and the Blockchain 😁 ✍

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