Given the fact that I'm done with going through recruitment agencies to find work (out of fifty-one, only one can actually manage to see through the process of contacting me about a position to actually getting through an interview or two), I've taken to going the direct-to-business approach. Part of that includes looking at posts in various groups on Farceborg. It's far from ideal, for one very obvious reason (and not the fact that Zuck and co are up to no good).
Resistance is futile. Assimilate!
TBH, I prefer how FB used to look and function. For all its pixilated ugliness by today's standards, it was fairly clean at the time. More importantly, it was at least lightweight and possible to navigate. Given that I favour functionality over aesthetics, that's a trade-off I'm willing to make.
Since getting back on it strictly for business/employment reasons (I no longer care about relationships with people if they aren't transactional), I'm somewhat annoyed and confused with FB, TBH. I don't understand why posts show up in my feed in random order, instead of chronological order (and, more importantly, why there's apparently nothing I can do about it). As far as I can determine from asking others, I'm not the only one experiencing this issue. It makes difficult finding stuff someone else has seen, without a direct link to it from them. Who wants that and who thought it's a good idea? Certainly not I! As if I have time to waste on people whom probably really don't want to employ me to farm fiat, anyway; I've got AI and crypto development to learn and crypto to earn ...
“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”
― Morpheus (Lana Wachowski), The Matrix; circa 2003
Image of the Tradfi process (full of thieves) from, via Graft Network
The same, modified to show the Blockchain and cryptocurrency implementation. Spot the difference.
On that note, I've been thinking of writing an article on the advantages of blockchain and crypto over banks and TradFi, but that's unlikely to happen today or tomorrow. (What they are, including removal of middlemen taking a cut, should be fairly obvious to anyone whom is a regular reader here on Pub0x, but there sure are a heck of a lot of folks whom are still clinging to their old gods and institutions, have yet to move with the times and enter the twenty-first century. Yet here we are, no longer at ease in the old dispensation. They need our help with that, whether they know it or not.) If I do have to deal in fiat, I deal in cash as much as possible, because that cuts out middlemen (whom are keeping records of my financial activity in ways about which I likely know not) as well.
On an unrelated note, I think I've figured out the cause of my issue with Presearch, but still need to confirm. Apparently, there's a little (literally little) toggle that can be flipped to "off" to disable earning PRE for searches. It's quite easy to miss or click on accidentally (coupled with a lack of a prompt to confirm that choice). Why that even exists, what the point of it is when I could simple use a Web 2.0 search engine that doesn't reward me in crypto, I honestly don't know.
So many poor design/UX choices, so many, that it's no wonder Don Norman wrote at least two books about them ... It's as if people look at Catalogue d’Objets Introuvables and decide that's how things should be done, rather than the opposite.
Thumbnail image: Cover image for Don Norman's book, The Design of Everyday Things, featuring the Masochist's Coffeepot