SKALE Partners with Unity for Publisher Support

By Novasky | DevPress | 20 Jun 2024

Game developers need the low or zero gas fees. Because they do a lot of in game transactions that are micro in value. And so it's reasonable to say that it would not attract much fees and the small NFT and the other digital assets can be easily transferred and shared. In such case there are chains like polygon, immutable, gala and animoca and others but things just tends to get fragmented in this space. 

So the SKALE blockchain that is working in this space has decided to get into the use case for the game developers. They are going to be offering the integration with the Unity and help the game developer for the support. 


So what is Unity's Publisher support program? How does it work?

Think of such programs like humblebundles. Like most of the partners would come in one bundle offer something for the developers. And they can use the services for free or low fees. And that would help with the support program. And it would be a good direction for the developers who want to scale slowly into the blockchain and the gaming market. 

SKALE itself is into the low fees cost blockchain transactions and so the Unitys program would be good for blockchain based games. And the cost of the integration and overall investment into them is a good thing for them. For consumers they are not front facing but more of the backend. But the low cost transactions is a good direction for the consumers as they would stick with such games.

You can find out more about the SKALE blockchain network

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