Polymarket Prediction Engine Partnered with Perplexity AI

By Novasky | DevPress | 3 Sep 2024

Polymarket is a prediction market that is mapping the real world events with the prediction maket. And so many political events, sport and other things are under the betting market called as the prediction market. How much legal does it get is debatable but in near future we are going to be seeing more demand for the prediction engine in upcoming times. 

Perplexity AI and Polymarket has been signed up under an integration deal. And they claimed about it in the twitter. And it shows in the tweet. 


Perplexity AI is going to be used to create the summary snippets for the Polymarket predictions. And this would be adding up a new level of trust as the summary would be source referenced. And this would also means there would be more of such automation content being added to the blog. Worth checking out for those who are looking for reliable cross referenced summary. 

This was done to avoid the news outlet and the revenue sharing issues that has been happening with the OpenAI. And the Perplexity happens to find out the middle road out of this sort of the issues. You can check out the news

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