Maker Cryptocurrency (MKR) Analysis

Hello to everyone, & great congratulations to all followers who trust our analysis (MKR) done well as we predicted in the last article which 

was on >>> 15 July 2023 <<< You can read it here

As we have done before too.

was on >>> 11 June 2023 <<< You can read it here

(MKR) is trading at the moment in the area of $ 1391.00

As you see, our MKR technical analysis prediction was accurate >>> which means good luck depends on our personal Vision which could be right or wrong.

Let's show (MKR) targets & its efforts in making a new strong support area at the level which is at $ 1230.00 in order to continue to complete another great opportunity for higher-level range jumping. 

We never forget >> (support area) >> (very risky) is not advisable for beginners as we mentioned in the last article.


As experts' time trading now ( risky trade ), let’s update the support & resistance areas that we will mention below & never hesitate to place a stop loss, as breaking these areas leads to other down areas

As we know each uptrend is followed by a downtrend & vice versa.


As Shown

The Chart Below







Target: to exceed the area of 1600.00 & fly over the area of $ 2200.00 with a volume.

Maker Cryptocurrency (MKR), if the price of $ 1170.00 is broken, it may reach lower levels


Support & Resistance:

Support: $ 1340.00 - $ 1220.00 - $ 980.00

Resistance: $ 1600.00 - $ 1880.00 - $ 2200.00



Finally, remember to Trade wisely as we advise buyers & traders to follow the nearest support areas,  



The result depends on our personal Vision which could be right or wrong

 We analyze the past to predict the future.

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Ayman Crypto
Ayman Crypto

Cryptocurrency Analyst

CryptoCurrencies Analyst
CryptoCurrencies Analyst

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