Me and my inner Monkey

Me and my inner Monkey

By Cryptodd | CryptoCube | 1 Dec 2021

Here we go. 
Banano did it again. I don't know how they do it but I'm happy they know how it has to be done. They know what's the better next step for youself before you know it. You don't know who you are before they show you the way. Just two years ago I was trying to approaching the cryptosphere. I was little curious about Bitcoin and altcoins, but I was completely new on the argument. There was not the hipe we are living in the past months but you know, first steps are the harder ones. Scams were everywhere and it was difficult to find good sources of knowledge.
A lucky day, I landed on Publish0x platform taking part to a Banano Giveaway. It was my first step in crypto and Banano made it as easy as possible. I joined the comunity and I immediately understood what's the real power of Banano. Its worldwide and ever growing comunity is the Banano fuel. There's one thing you can be sure of, the fuel won't stop to push till we won't own the moon. I met a plenty of kind and polite people, even in jail. Helping each other is the key value of a monkey being. Sharing some Banano is a good practice too.

I don't want to bore you with links and numbers but one thing has to be said. Banano is feeless and free distribuited. Feeless? Yes you did read right... I could not believe it, I read it twice and I test it with my first coins. It was love at first sight. I asked myself how this could be possible and to be honest I still asking myself. As they say, "Banano litterally grows on trees" but I thank everyday that the core-team made this possible. Take a look to Yellow Paper for further deep knowledge. You can transact millions or billions of Banano with no fees. Awesome, isn't it? I have not millions of Banano, but you know, get whale or die tryin... Withdrawals on exchange are the lowest too.
There are a plenty of project that surround Banano because Potassium is addictive and comunity reacts with all its ideas and proposals. Blockchain games, DeFi, Faucet, Contests, Monkeyslots, WalkerMonkey, Drawings, Christmas Easter and Halloween celebrations, Maths or simply being active on socials. There are so much project to join. You have just to face a choosing problem, that addicted monkey don't have. This is how my adventure in crypto is started, but Banano doesn't only made a crypto hodler out of me. Banano made a blockchain gamer out of me, as well Banano made a NFT collector out of me too. Banano showed me how to become a Liquidity Provider. I'm still frightned of DeFi, sorry Banano maybe next year... And then here we go. Banano did it again. Banano made a writer out of me. Waiting for next steps. Hope my experience could inspire some new monkey to join Banano comunity, you welcome!!

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