NNFX ( No Nonsense Forex Strategy) ENJ/BTC OUTLOOK FUTURE ***BUY*** SIGNAL NOW

Lets  look at ENJ/BTC pair 

ENJ/ BTC Daily Chart 


Williams indicator is going up  and it is a good signal 
CMF money flow is below 0 but any time soon can turn to positive territory 
Momentum is picking up  and all these 3 indicators are very positive 

ENJ/BTC 4 Hours Chart


MACD is over 0 line and steady 
OBV with EMA indicator is over 10 and 20 days EMA and moving higher .

All the indicators and ATR Trailing indicator shows BUT signal in short term and expected move higher . 

Good luck

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Dentist since 1985, Oracle Developer DBA since 1998 and trader 2000 and up today. I try to give my best future price predictions on certain coins and I do trade same way.

CryptoCoin Predictions Series Short Term
CryptoCoin Predictions Series Short Term

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