The Brave browser is now the most frequently downloaded web browser in Japan

By dios | cryptobabbles | 8 Sep 2019

According to Android app aggregator, the Brave browser is now the most frequently downloaded browser in Japan. This is the first time in history that such a claim can be said of the Brave browser. This is a strong indicator of momentum, and is only expected to increase as ads are rolled out in Japan and other countries later this year.

Among competitors, Brave has advanced 11 positions (with a total of 2 million monthly downloads in Japan alone), whereas Firefox and Chrome have dropped 1 and 11 positions, respectively.


By all measures, Brave is on a tear lately. Here a few growth and adoption stats:

Since user growth is almost certainly the bottleneck (given the advertiser waitlist mentioned above), this could spell good news for BAT, the integrated rewards token.


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