Crypto w/Kamal Ep. 40 - Jomari Peterson of Snowball (Avalanche)

By KHubbard | Crypto with Kamal | 1 Oct 2023




Jomari Peterson is a serial entrepreneur, international public speaker, investor and web3 believer. He is the lead on Snowball DAO, a decentralized protocol on Avalanche whose main products include auto-compounding services for liquidity pools, an automated market maker (AMM) for stablecoins, NFTs, and governance. Snowball’s goal is to become one of the premier Decentralized Finance (DeFi) projects on Avalanche by offering competitive and unique products. Snowball has partnered with some of the most respected protocols on Avalanche to bring you the most of what DeFi can offer.
Work with their multi-talented team to bring your project to reality in a decentralized environment. You can find out more at




Snowball is a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocol built on the Avalanche blockchain. It was launched in early March, 2021 and was the first auto-compounder and stable-asset exchange on the network. Since March 2021, Snowball has grown to be one of the leading DeFi projects on Avalanche. It continues to offer and develop innovative products, while launching new DAOs integral to the DeFi ecosystem. Some of those products include:

Governance - Everything at Snowball is determined through governance. This includes SNOB token distributions, proposals for launching new DAOs and much, much more. 

Compounding - By using Snowball's auto-compounder, rewards from other protocols can be automatically re-invested, saving you gas fees and yielding higher APYs.

NFT Marketplace - Our very own marketplace to mint exclusive Snowball NFTs.

Axial - The first DAO launched by Snowball - a decentralized exchange for value-pegged assets.

Lava - Lava brings liquid AVAX staking to Avalanche.

Teddy - The newest addition to the Snowball ecosystem is the borrowing platform and issuer of TSD; Avalanche's own native stablecoin.

Mr. Peterson is passionate about Web3, NFTs, and AI generative art. Jomari also a PhD Candidate at Carnegie Mellon University in Engineering & Public Policy with a focus on risk assessment and system design.

A big thank you to everyone at ICP.Hub North America. ICP.Hub North America is a major contributor to the Internet Computer in the United States and Canada. You can find out more at



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Crypto with Kamal
Crypto with Kamal

Crypto with Kamal is a show that covers all things blockchain technology and Web 3.0. Whether it is Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), or Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs); every episode will feature a discussion to help newcomers to cryptocurrencies understand these complex concepts better and give people already acquainted with digital assets a more meaningful understanding.

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