Crypto w/Kamal Ep. 38: Introduction to the Internet Computer

By KHubbard | Crypto with Kamal | 19 Sep 2023




This and upcoming series of editions of Crypto with Kamal are sponsored by the Internet Computer Protocol and the folks at ICP.Hub North America.  ICP.Hub North America are major contributors to the adoption of the Internet Computer in the US and Canada. Some of the editions will cover the basics of and things you should know about the Internet Computer, and other editions will be coverage of the 6th Annual Black Blockchain Summit in Washington DC! That said, I am so excited to be working with ICP.Hub North America and am looking forward to bringing you all great content!


The internet computer was built by the largest ongoing R&D effort in crypto, which has employed many notable cryptographers, computer science researchers and engineers. It is touted as a blockchain you can build anything on clocking in at around 280,000 TPS! The Internet Computer is a blockchain that hosts smart contracts. It is designed to host a new generation of Web3 services and applications that run solely from the blockchain, without the need for traditional IT. In this way the Internet Computer can also become a Web3 orchestrator, by interacting with traditional blockchains. Recently the IC has integrated the Bitcoin blockchain and is working to do the same on Ethereum, which I’ll get to more in a second. The Internet Computer has a completely unique design that reimagines blockchain architecture and the application of modern cryptography, by the use of what they call chain key cryptography the Internet Computer allows for a single public key instead of two. This is a huge advantage as it permits any device, including smart watches and mobile phones, to verify the transactions and authenticity on the Internet Computer.


The longer-term objective is that the Internet Computer will completely replace traditional IT, creating a blockchain singularity, in which everything runs fully on-chain in powerful new forms where it is unstoppable and cannot be hacked. These smart contracts run at web speed, with high levels of efficiency, uniquely thanks to the blockchain architecture enabled by chain key cryptography. The Internet Computer’s smart contracts can process HTTP requests directly and securely to serve interactive web experiences to end-users of web3 services, without need for trusted intermediaries.

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Crypto with Kamal
Crypto with Kamal

Crypto with Kamal is a show that covers all things blockchain technology and Web 3.0. Whether it is Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), or Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs); every episode will feature a discussion to help newcomers to cryptocurrencies understand these complex concepts better and give people already acquainted with digital assets a more meaningful understanding.

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